Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I am a Trunk Show Roadie!

Ahhhh, a sigh of relief. My 3 back to back Love-E Boutique Trunk Shows are over! I want to thank everyone who came out to all of them and helped make each and every one a success. I truly appreciate it, and I hope you all enjoy your fabulous new clothes and accessories! :)

I am so relieved that I have a little break! As I've mentioned before, it is a lot of work to put one of these things together. Just packing and unpacking is quite the work out. However, as each one comes and goes, me and Eric get better and better at arranging the stuff in the car, and at home. Just after finishing a process that used to take us about 45 minutes to unpack and store everything, Eric said, "I have gotten so good at this, its like a system...I am a Trunk Show Roadie!". He's soo cute! lol But we can pretty much get everything in the car and packed up back at the house within 10-15 minutes now. Not too bad! Still, exhausting though.

Anyway on our Sunday after the Trunk Show, we took a day to ourselves. Just the two of us. Although we live together and are pretty much together all the time, these weekends apart because of my trunk shows really made me miss him (even though I was with him on all other days). I really cherish our weekends, no work, no stress, just whatever we want to do. So that's what we did on Sunday, whatever we wanted.

We started off the day waking up at 12 something (we hadn't done that in MONTHS!!), it felt soo good, but we were still soo exhausted. When we finally got out of bed, we headed over to IHOP to have breakfast...Yum!! Then we went back home and well...let breakfast settle. Then we went to the mall to buy some hair gel...while at the mall, we got some Massages!! Now, if you guys have never had a mall massage, let me tell you, they are sooo worth it. For 17 bucks, you get a full back, shoulder, Arm, and hands massage! It is not crappy at all, on the contrary, it is soo good, that you may find yourself dosing off in the middle of the hustle and bustle of the mall. All local malls have it, Dolphin, International, & Dadeland. Not sure about Sunset though...but if you don't have the $$ or the time to get a massage at a spa, let me tell you, this does the trick! I really recommend it!!

After getting our massages, we were soooo out of it...so we made one more stop before we headed home. Once home, we lied in bed for a while, watched some TV, then decided we wanted pizza and a movie. Figured we'd keep it low key and just end the day relaxed before another full week of work! Ughh, I hate going to work!

So we ordered our large pizza, half cheese (for Eric) and half bacon and double pineapple for me!! :) We also rented the movie Role Models which was cute. Not a fantastic movie, but still entertaining and funny. Then we took a shower and went to bed.

All in all, it was a great Trunk Show, and a great day with my Love. I am very blessed to be so happy doing what I Love and being with the people that I Love! I wish everyone reading this, and those not, the happiness that I have. :)

Till Next Time...


Monday, June 1, 2009

...so inspiring that I want to go Garage Sale-ing ASAP!!

Here are some other things that I loved from the website mentioned in the previous post. Take a look:

This dresser if from Ikea..for any of you who may want to recreate it!

Mirror, mirror on the wall, check out what a little paint can do!

This is probably my favorite transformation of all...maybe its because I'm partial to the colors...or maybe its because it has a picture of a cat on top of it...either way, I LOVE it!!

These pictures, as well as plenty others available on their website, are truly amazing. Its incredible how people can take junk and turn it into amazing pieces that can be displayed at your house..or hey, maybe even resell and make a buck! They are so inspiring that I want to go Garage Sale-ing ASAP!!

Till Next Time..

- Jenn(y)

...the huge change that a choice of fabric makes!

I came into work today excited about the possibilities of the previously blogged about chairs, but I also came into work thinking...how the hell do you re-upholster a chair? So, I did what I always do when I don't know how to do something...I looked it up on YouTube!

After finding countless useless videos, I was somehow redirected to http://www.designspongeonline.com/. If you've never been there, as I had never been, I really recommend that you guys check it out! It is packed full with AMAZING ideas for fun DIY projects!

This blog is going to be directed at some DIY re-upholstery projects that I found on that site.


These last two are my absolute favorites!:

More than anything, I think what I love most about the revamping of these chairs, is the huge change that a choice of fabric makes! I absolutely love how bright and funky they are! I hope I can find something just as fun as some of these fabrics in the colors that I want!! I will keep you guys updated on the progress of the chairs...we'll see what happens!

Till Next Time...

- Jenn(y)

"So you bought Garbage...Awesome!"

Saturday was an early day. I woke up at 8:00am and headed over to my sisters house. When I got there, I used my pretty little green key and walked into a dark and freezing house. I figured she was still sleeping, so I went over to wake her happy little butt up! The room was pitch black, but I thought I saw limbs extending towards the end of the bed, it couldn't of been Erika, cause she isn't that tall..but Rich was supposed to be at work (or so I thought)...he was home and still sleeping...well until I got there and ended up waking them both up. I felt really bad that I woke up Rich, so I made him breakfast! What a good little sister in law I am huh? Eggs, with mozzarella cheese on toast. (These people have NOTHING in their damn refrigerator every time I go over there..hence the Mozzarella cheese on his breakfast sandwich...oh well)...I tried!

Anyway, Rich left to work and my sister and I went to run our errands. Our first task of the day was to do some Garage Sale-ing!?! Her area is usually full of those things and people scavenge them relatively early, so we had to get an early start to it. We drove around looking for signs and while driving to the addresses that were printed on bright pink poster board, found a couple unadvertised ones in between. The first time we stopped, my sister bought two small frames that had pastas and other spaghetti related items on them, including a bottle in the background that read "Italian dressing"...my sister said she loved the little french frames, so she just had to buy them! French frames? Really Erika? They're Italian!! Pobresita. Anyway, we continued to scavenge the other sales and found one that had these really cool old chairs.

I guess I should take a second to let you know what we were looking for. I told you guys about how I am setting up an empty room at my moms house as a Love-E Boutique Showroom, so what we were looking for is furniture to put in the room. In particular, a desk, a bookcase, a round table, and some seating. I really loved the chair that was in one of the pictures from Ashli's blog about the all white decorating. So in my head, I wanted an antique looking chair.

So yeah, this garage sale had some old chairs, so we stopped to look at them. They had a great shape to them, and although the upholstery was in pretty bad condition, we figured that we might be able to work with them. Once inquired, the price was $20 per chair (there were two). $40 dollars for two old chairs that were in OKAY shape was a little much for me, so I gave the lady our number and told her that if at the end of the day they were still there, to give us a call and that we would take them. So we left to run our other errands.

About 7 hours!! later, we drove back by the garage sale on our way home to find that the chairs were still there!!! (I figured it was meant to be...either that, or the chairs are pure garbage and no one wanted them..lol) So we scoured the car to try to find more money, cause all I had were $20! After searching the car and Erikas purse, we found $2 dollars, and $3.05 in change!! A total of $25.05!!! Hey, its a Garage Sale, and at the end of the day, so hey, maybe we could get a deal?? So the lady comes towards us and remembers us from earlier in the day, and asks us if we still want the chairs? So we tell her yes and explain to her our situation of the $25.05!! After laughing at our $3.05 in change, she accepts the deal and gives us the two chairs!! Woo hoo!!

On my way home, I'm telling Eric the story of the chairs and how we got such a great deal. I told them that I guess really, they had no other choice, it was the end of the day, and they were probably going to throw them out. They'd rather have $25.05 then have to stay with garbage.
His response to my 6 minute explanation of what a great deal we got: "So you bought Garbage...Awesome!"

Here is a picture of our Garage Sale find..aka, the Garbage:

The plan is to spray paint the wood black and to reupholster the chairs in a bright funky teal color to match Love-E Boutique's Logo. I'll keep you guys updated on the progress of the chairs...my first step is to find the PERFECT fabric...and if you guys know me, you'll know that that's going to take Forevverrrrrr! lol

Till Next Time...

- Jenn(y)

P.S. I really need to embrace the art of short blogs...sorry for the novel!

...I walked Disney World twice!!

So Love-E Boutique had a trunk show this past Sunday at Alex's house. The trunk show was a success and I want to thank her for taking the time to host it at her beautiful home.

Here are some pictures from the event:

For more information on hosting a Love-E Boutique Trunk Show, please email Host@Love-EBoutique.com

So yeah, I am officially exhausted. Trunk Shows aren't really as easy as they may seem. There is a lot of lugging around and unpacking to then repack again, going on. So I officially feel like I walked Disney World twice!! (anyone who lives in Miami and has gone to Disney World more than 12 times probably knows the feeling.) My legs are killing me..super sore! But I cant say that I don't enjoy the actual Trunk Shows, they're fun, and they're what I LOVE doing! Its just all the stuff that comes before and after that I don't really love so much..lol But hey, you gotta put up with the bad to get to the good right? Ughh!

Till Next time...

- Jenn(y)